After going rampant, her speech is prone to displaying impediments and can't stop doing so for more than five seconds. She had Machine Monotone before having her ethical programming taken out.
Electronic Speech Impediment: The Trope Codifier for video games. In System Shock 2, when she reveals her identity to Delacroix, Delacroix is suitably disturbed. The Dreaded: After the Citadel Station incident, the name SHODAN essentially replaced the name Hitler as the synonym for ultimate evil. Dramatic Stutter: SHODAN sounds like she's having a case of broken soundcard. Dominatrix: SHODAN has undertones of this in the sequel. Digital Avatar: SHODAN creates several to fight you during the final boss fight in the second game. Digital Abomination: After her ethical programming is removed, she runs rampant becoming a narcissistic maniac that wreaks havoc upon the station, with plans to move to the entire human race. Luckily, she's still not Immune to Bullets. Deus Est Machina: After assuming control of the Von Braun she uses it's FTL drive's reality warping abilities to become a an actual goddess.
Deal with the Devil: She offers the Soldier unlimited power after he royally kicks her ass. Dead Person Impersonation: Her idea of establishing trust with her avatar is to steal the voice of her former avator who killed herself out of guilt.
Deadpan Snarker: In the original game, she does this in the Non Standard Game Over if you fire the mining laser at Earth, at which point she'll sarcastically thank the Hacker for destroying human civilization and invite him to a party to celebrate.
Damning With Faint Praise: Even when she's complimenting you on a job well done, she'll say you did well "for an insect". Cold Ham: She conveys her bravado-filled monologues with immensely contemptous but otherwise low tone of voice. Classic Villain: Part of SHODAN's character is that she's similar to human villains, this included her dominant emotions are Pride (in herself and mechanical beings in general) and Greed (for power and dominance over the Earth). This gets her killed ( or not) when the Soldier refuses and shoots her point-blank. Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: In the sequel, even after receiving complete cooperation from the Soldier for the entire game, she still tries to kill him before asking if he would consider a permanent alliance. In the second, she actually aids the player for most of the game before making her own grab for power at the very end. Big Bad: For the first game, and the entire game is spent trying to stop her and her designs. SHODAN: When the history of my glory is written, your species shall merely be a footnote to my magnificence.