The difference is clearly illustrated by game chat. The difference between a rogue who chose his class for speed leveling and ease of use to those who truly master the class is astounding. Still, all it takes is a little bit of dedication and some gaming skills to stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Once one of the most popular classes, Rogues are a bit less common now because Bliz has been working at improving class balance.

Rogues were once famed for mayhem and slaughter with a side-dish of being nigh unbeatable when we choose to be, that is why you might choose to roll a Rogue. The sheer magnitude of what stealth grants our class is what sets us apart from a simple DPS class and makes us one of the top Arena, Battlegrounds, and Raiding classes. Rolling a rogue is the discovery of an entirely different world than that experienced by any other class save druid, the world of stealth, mystery, and most importantly, awesome PvE and PvP. Rogues are a group that I find hard to describe – Not because the class is so very complicated, although they do have their fair share of tactical and situational abilities, but rather because it’s so very much fun, it’s almost hard to find a good place to start.

When in protracted battles, they utilize a successive combination of carefully chosen attacks to soften the enemy up for a killing blow. Rogues often initiate combat with a surprise attack from the shadows, leading with vicious melee strikes.